How To Treat Sunburn


Sunburn can happen in all skin tones. Whenever you are going out in the sun, it is advisable to wear a sunscreen of 30 SPF  However, if you do get sunburned, here are some home remedies you can use.

Hydrate well: Sunburn is miserably dehydrating. Heal and hydrate from the inside out by guzzling liquids. Drink water with electrolytes (try adding an electrolyte packet or a squeeze of fresh lemon) or try some unsweetened iced tea, the antioxidants in green and black tea May help repair free radical damage from the sun. You will know you are fully hydrated when your urine runs pale yellow.

Anoint with aloe vera: Aloe vera is a healing wonder, especially for sun parched skin. It's laden with anti-inflammatory compounds to calm angry skin, health burns, and boost immunity ( which takes a beating under the sun) .Look for pure aloe vera ( that is, 98 to 100 per cent aloe vera) to avoid feeling sticky.                                                                  
Bathe with baking soda: Baking soda is fabulous for two reasons: it helps balance your skin's pH to aid healing, and when dissolved in water, it feels super cool and nourishing against hot and irritated skin. Add a few heaping tablespoons of baking soda to a cool bath and soak for 15 to 20 minutes
If you don't want to take the plunge, add a heaping tablespoon of baking soda to a bowl of cool water, soak a washcloth in it, gently wring and use as a compress to treat tender areas.  
Avoid soap and skip scrubbing: Soap can be drying for skin and when you are burned, you don't need anything stripping away moisture. Keep soap use to a minimum and skip the washcloth for now. Also forgo shaving or waxing for a few days to minimise irritation. If you must shave, be sure to lube up thoroughly with a rich, moisturizing shaving cream, gel, or lotion.      

Moisturise: Reach for the richest moisturiser you can get your hands on to soothe skin and prevent peeling. Avoid moisturisers with alcohols, retinols and AHAs (alpha hydroxyl acids), which can dry and irritated sensitive skin. Slather up immediately after bathing for maximum absorption,and chill the bottle in the fridge for cooling comfort.          

Tea tree oil: Use tea tree oil diluted with olive or virgin coconut oil to treat sunburn and prevent peeling. Mix together one part tea tree oil with olive oil and apply the mixture over the sunburn. This treatment will not only help treat the sunburn, but will help your overall skin tone and texture.                
Cool baths: Use cold wet compresses and cool baths to help alleviate the burning. If taking a bath, add a pound of oatmeal or baking soda for additional soothing relief. Lavender or chamomile oil can also be added to the bath to help soothe the skin. Try and soak in the cool tub for a minimum of 30 minutes.                                                  
Things to avoid: Avoid using heavy creams, butters and petroleum jelly products on sunburned skin. These products can trap the heat the skin is trying to release. This can actually cause the burn to go deeper in the skin and cause more damage.

This post was written by a blog reader, Nike Adisa.

from Bola Esho's Blog
