Telawaa: Time Difference!

On TELAWAA(The English Language Academy With Ayo Alonge).

You called me around 2pm and asked: "AY, how was your day?"
You called around 6pm and asked, "how is your day going?"

Excuse me, both are wrong to say but most of us don't know this!

In timing, once it is not yet 4pm, we are still in the day.

So, your question should be "how is your day going" or "how has your day been".
(NOT "how was your day?").

Then, once it is 4pm or past it, it is no longer "day".
So, you shouldn't ask me "how is your day going?" or "how has your day been?"

The correct question is "how WAS your day?"

from Bola Esho's Blog
